Man’s Comeback to HOA Fining Him Over His Truck Applauded: ‘Motivation’ reports a homeowner being praised online after confessing to parking his truck outside his HOA’s president’s home and revving his engine daily to annoy the homeowner association after receiving a violation. The resident shared his plan and received over 12,000 votes in less than a day on a SubReddit section called “Malicious Compliance.” According to the homeowner, he received a letter regarding the fine, from his HOA stating that his brand-new work truck was in the driveway and had not moved in two days and therefore was considered “non-running” and in violations of their rules. Apparently, this was his third strike since he had previously been warned about his grass not being green enough. Despite his technique not being a favorite for the HOA, Reddit users were left applauding the unconventional response. The fine was dropped shortly after. Let us know your opinion by leaving us a comment.
Read More: Man's Comeback to HOA Fining Him Over His Truck Applauded: 'Motivation'